Personalised holistic care during one of life’s most important experiences
Dr. Scott Shemer
I believe in individualising every pregnancy journey. From normal to high-risk, I encourage patients and couples to be involved in the decision-making process. I endeavour to provide evidence-based guidance that ultimately allows my patients to make informed choices throughout the entire pregnancy and birth.
My practice is inclusive of all patients and families wanting to become parents. This is a safe place for everyone, including single parents, partnered couples (heterosexual and members of the LGBTQIA+ community) and gestational surrogates with their intended parents.
Areas of speciality
I have worked extensively in the Preterm Labour Clinic at The Royal Women’s Hospital, and run a parallel service in my private practice for patients wanting to access this particular care in the private sector. I have expertise in managing patients with pregnancies at high risk of delivering pre-term (prior to 37 weeks gestation), including vast experience with the insertion of both elective and emergency cervical cerclages.
I suggest patients with any of the following risk factors seek expert care:
At least one prior preterm birth or mid-trimester delivery.
Prior cervical surgery (cone biopsy or at least two LLETZ/LEEP procedures; patients who have had a single LLETZ/LEEP procedure may also benefit from a review of their history to ensure their risk is not increased).
Uterine anomalies (including bicornuate, didelphys, septate uterus).
Multiple cervical dilatations (at least three curettes).
Cervical tears during labour and birth.
Transabdominal cerclage (TAC) in situ.
I have significant experience managing twin pregnancies (including DCDA, MCDA & MCMA twins) as well as higher order multiples.
I care for pregnant patients with complex medical histories, including those with:
Endocrine disease, including diabetes (type 1 or 2) and thyroid disease
Autoimmune disease, including lupus, arthritis, Sjogren’s Disease and antiphospholipid syndrome
Renal disease
Cardiorespiratory disease, including pre-existing hypertension and asthma
Gastrointestinal disease, including Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Neurological disease, such as epilepsy and multiple sclerosis
Psychiatric conditions, including depression, anxiety, OCD and trauma
These devestating outcomes require enourmous support both at the time of the loss, and in the days, weeks and months that follow. I will arrange thorough investigations to best investigate a cause, and hence reduce the risk of recurrence. My team and I provide unconditional emotional support. Subsequent pregnancies are often filled with anxiety and it is our job to assist you in naviating the inevitable stress that comes with pregnancy after loss.
I have a deep personal and professional understanding of the IVF journey, with my wife and I having taken this pathway to pregnancy ourselves. Caring for families who have had IVF takes particular sensitvity and understanding. There is often a much higher level of worry, especially during the first trimester. I appreciate this anxiety and am here to support you with unconditional empathy. My team and I will tailor your care to your personalised fertility history.
For many patients who have had a previous caesarean section, there is a choice between a VBAC or a planned caesarean for subsequent births. Each individual patient’s preferences and risk profiles will be different. It is my role to have a personalised, evidence-based discussion with you that allows you to make the best informed decision for you and your baby.
I have a special interest in complex and challenging instrumental vaginal births and caesarean sections.
Education & Experience
I completed my medical degree at The University of Melbourne in 2008 with first class Honours, during which time I received awards for the most outstanding performance in the areas of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Medicine, Surgery and Psychiatry.
Subsequent clinical training was undertaken at The Royal Melbourne Hospital, before I commenced specialty training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, based primarily at The Royal Women’s Hospital. There I completed advanced training in high-risk obstetrics, affirming my particular interest in this field.
During my fellowship years, I held the role of Principal Registrar at The Royal Women’s Hospital and then Sunshine Hospital, consolidating my interest in medical education and mentorship of obstetricians-in-training.
I have now been in private obstetric practice since obtaining my FRANZCOG at the beginning of 2018. I also hold a public position as a consultant obstetrician at The Royal Women’s Hospital where I am actively involved in the education and training of junior doctors and medical students.